Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Soal Test Bahasa Inggris

Krembung Dumpul Telp. (0321) 590972

Formative Test
Name:  _______________                                                                                         Nilai:  ___________

A. Choose the best answer and translate!                   D.  Rearange the jumble sentence into the correct form!
       1. Camelia (am/is are) in the office.                           1. am – student – ? – a – I
       2. Hamzah and Aldo (am/is are) on the bed.             2. short – is – Putra – not
       3. (am/is are) they under the window?                      3. You – sit – chair – under
       4. Putra and I (am/is are) beside the car.                    4.– behind – eats– the – Aldo– house
       5. We (am/is are) no in front of the cat.                     5. drinks – class –She– English – the – in
       6. Putra and Febi (am/is are) not on the table
       7. They (am/is are) not behind the kitchen.          E.  Translate into English!
       8. He (am/is are) not a soldier.                                   1.  Ini adalah sebuah buku kecil.
       9. She (am/is are) not a nurse.                                    2.  Itu adalah seekor kucing besar.
      10.I (am/is are) not small teacher.                               3.  Apakah ini sebatang panjang kapur tulis?
                                                                                          4.  Apakah itu sebuah tas merah?
B.  Fill the blank with am, is, are!                                     5.  Kelas saya bersih.
      1. I  ____ in front of the office.
      2. You  ____ beside the window.
      3. He____ on the grass.
      4. They  ____ in the polce station.
      5. We  ____ in the market.           
C.  Fill the blank with on, in, behind, under, beside, in front of!
      1. I sit ____ the chair.
      2. You study ____ the class.
      3. Putra stands ____ the door.
      4. Aldo writes ____ the blackboard.
      5. Febi drinks ____ the tree.
      6. Firda draws _____ Her friend

Krembung Dumpul Gg. FirdausTelp. (0321) 590972

Text 1
Long, long time ago, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,”Will you marry me?” You know what? The hen loved the brave, strong hawk in return and wished to marry him. But she said,” I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.”
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. ”This is to show that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk. It so happened that the hen already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once!” shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him that the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll be always be flying above to catch your children.” said the hawk.

Text 2
He was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil. Why? Because he didn’t like doing his homework. What did he like then? Oh, he liked playing in his leisure time. He liked football very much. Do you know why he didn’t like doing his homework? Because he always made a lot of mistakes when he did it.
Well, one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Michael’s homework and found that all his homework was correct. Wow, that’s a good job! Of course students, the teacher was very pleased and surprised. So, he called Michael to his office and said to him, “Michael, you’ve got all your homework right this time. You’re doing great. Well done, Michael. Did your father help you?”
“No, sir” Michael said, “Usually my father did it for me. But last night he was very busy. He had a meeting. So, he couldn’t do my homework. Then, I had to do it by myself.”

Krembung Dumpul Gg. FirdausTelp. (0321) 590972

1.      love -  a hawk - long time ago - a hen -  fell in – with.
2.      the sky  - flew down - the hawk -  from - and  - the hen -  asked -,”Will you marry me?”  
3.       not - I – as -  can – high -  fly -  can  -  as - you
4.      I  - to -  may – high -  learn  - as – fly -  as  -  you
5.      went - before - away - he,  a ring – he - the hen - gave
6.      the rooster - the ring  - saw - when, angry – he -  very – became
7.       “away – throw –that - once – at - ring!” the – shouted -  rooster.
8.      the hawk - when  - a few -  came – later -  months, him - the – the -  truth  - hen -  told  
9.      children -  be -  always – be  I’ll -  above - to catch – your -  flying
10.  earlier  - didn’t-  you -  tell  - why – me - ?

Krembung Dumpul Gg. FirdausTelp. (0321) 590972

1.      love -  a hawk - long time ago - a hen -  fell in – with.
2.      the sky  - flew down - the hawk -  from - and  - the hen -  asked -,”Will you marry me?”  
3.       not - I – as -  can – high -  fly -  can  -  as - you
4.      I  - to -  may – high -  learn  - as – fly -  as  -  you
5.      went - before - away - he,  a ring – he - the hen - gave
6.      the rooster - the ring  - saw - when, angry – he -  very – became
7.       “away – throw –that - once – at - ring!” the – shouted -  rooster.
8.      the hawk - when  - a few -  came – later -  months, him - the – the -  truth  - hen -  told  
9.      children -  be -  always – be  I’ll -  above - to catch – your -  flying
10.  earlier  - didn’t-  you -  tell  - why – me - ?

Krembung Dumpul Gg. FirdausTelp. (0321) 590972

1.      Harum writes a funny poem easily in the bedroom every night.
a.       Does Harum write a funny poem easily in the bedroom every night?
b.      Doesn’t Harum writes a funny poem easily in the bedroom every night?
c.       Who writes a funny poem easily in the bedroom every night?
d.      What does Harum write easily in the bedroom every night?
e.       Where does Harum write a funny poem easily every night?
f.       When does Harum write a funny poem easily in the bedroom?
g.      How does Harum write a funny poem in the bedroom every night?

2.      Fahmi reads a love story slowly in front of the bathroom every sunday.
a.       Does Fahmi read a love story slowly in front of the bathroom every sunday?
b.      Doesn’t Fahmi read a love story slowly in front of the bathroom every sunday?
c.       Who reads a love story slowly in front of the bathroom every sunday?
d.      What does Fahmi read slowly in front of the bathroom every sunday?
e.       Where does Fahmi read a love story slowly every sunday?
f.       When does Fahmi read a love story slowly in front of the bathroom?
g.      How does Fahmi read a love story in front of the bathroom every sunday?

3.      Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake smoothly under the big tree every month.
a.       Do Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake smoothly under the big tree every month.
b.      Don’t Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake smoothly under the big tree every month
c.       Who shoot a huge snake smoothly under the big tree every month
d.      What Do Harum and Fahmi shoot smoothly under the big tree every month
e.       Where Do Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake smoothly every month
f.       When Do Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake smoothly under the big tree
g.      How Do Harum and Fahmi shoot a huge snake under the big treee every month

4.      Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee fast behind the house last morning.
a.  Did Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee fast behind the house last morning.
b.  Didn’t Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee fast behind the house last morning.
c.  Who drank a cup of hot coffee fast behind the house last morning.
d.  What Did Mr. Zein drank fast behind the house last morning
e.       Where Did Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee fast last morning
f.       When Did Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee fast behind the house
g.      How Did Mr. Zein drank a cup of hot coffee behind the house last morning

5.      Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
a.       Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
b.      Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
c.       Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
d.      Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
e.       Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
f.       Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.
g.      Will Mrs. Zein will cook a big whale seriously beside the kitchen next year.

6.      Make some questions these sentences below!
a.       I climb a tall tree well in front the mosque every afternoon.
b.      He brings a thick dictionary carelessly on the roof every week.
c.       They threw a light ball hard behind the school yesterday.
d.      We will eat a plate of cold rice fluently under the hill tomorrow.

e.        not - I – as -  can – high -  fly -  can  -  as - you
f.       I  - to -  may – high -  learn  - as – fly -  as  -  you
g.      went - before - away - he,  a ring – he - the hen - gave
h.      the rooster - the ring  - saw - when, angry – he -  very – became
i.         “away – throw –that - once – at - ring!” the – shouted -  rooster.
j.        the hawk - when  - a few -  came – later -  months, him - the – the -  truth  - hen -  told  
k.      children -  be -  always – be  I’ll -  above - to catch – your -  flying
l.        earlier  - didn’t-  you -  tell  - why – me - ?

Krembung Dumpul Gg. FirdausTelp. (0321) 590972

1.      love -  a hawk - long time ago - a hen -  fell in – with.
2.      the sky  - flew down - the hawk -  from - and  - the hen -  asked -,”Will you marry me?”  
3.       not - I – as -  can – high -  fly -  can  -  as - you
4.      I  - to -  may – high -  learn  - as – fly -  as  -  you
5.      went - before - away - he,  a ring – he - the hen - gave
6.      the rooster - the ring  - saw - when, angry – he -  very – became
7.       “away – throw –that - once – at - ring!” the – shouted -  rooster.
8.      the hawk - when  - a few -  came – later -  months, him - the – the -  truth  - hen -  told  
9.      children -  be -  always – be  I’ll -  above - to catch – your -  flying
10.  earlier  - didn’t-  you -  tell  - why – me - ?

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